Sierra Leone

Literature on Gender

Amnesty International

Childhood, A casuality of conflict, AI Publication, AFR 51/069/2000, London.
Sierra Leone: Rape and other forms of sexual violence against women and girls, AFR 51/035/2000, London.
Sierra Leone, No one to turn to, Women’s lack of access to justice in rural Sierra Leone, AI Publication, AFR 51/011/2005, London.
Sierra Leone, Women face human rights abuses in the informal legal sector, AI Publication AFR 51/002/2006, London.

Aning, E.K.

Gender and civil war, The cases of Sierra Leone and Liberia, in: Civil Wars, 1, 4, pp.1-26.
Regulating illicit trade in natural resources, The role of regional actors in West Africa, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 95, S.99-107.
The challenges of civil wars to multilateral interventions, UN, ECOWAS, and complex political emergencies in West Africa, A critical analysis, in: African and Asian Studies, vol. 4, no. 1-2, S.1-20.

Annowitz, Lynn et al.

Prevalence of war-related sexual violence and other human rights abuses among internally displaced persons in Sierra Leone, in : JAMA, 23/30, 287, 4.

Bartel, Doris / Lindsey, Diane et al.

Tackling HIV/AIDS in post-war Sierra Leone, in: Forced Migration Review, vol. 19, S.24-25.

Bouta, Tsjeard / Frerks, Georg / Hughes, Bib

Gender and peacemaking in the Westafrican context, Netherlands Institute of International Relations, ‘Clingendael’, Conflict Research Unit, The Hague.

Coomaraswamy, Radhika

Integration of the human rights of women and the gender perspective, Violence against women, Report of the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its causes and consequences, Submitted in accordance with Commission on Human Rights Resolution 2001/49, Addendum, Mission to Sierra Leone, 21-29 August 2001, E/CN.4/2002/83/Add.2, New York/Geneva.

Coulter, Chris

Being a bush wife, Women’s lives through war and peace in Northern Sierra Leone, PhD thesis, Uppsala University, Uppsala.

CWHRCS – Coalition for Women’s Human Rights in Conflict Situations

Submission by the Coalition for Women’s Human Rights in Conflict Situations to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Sierra Leone, Freetown/Montreal.

Denov, Myriam / Maclure, Richard

Engaging the voices of girls in the aftermath of Sierra Leone's conflict, Experiences and perspectives in a culture of violence, in: Anthropologica (New Series), vol. 48, no. 1, S.73-85
Negotiating (in)security, Agency, resistance, and resourcefulness among girls formerly associated with the Sierra Leone’s Revolutionary United Front, in: Signs, Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 32, no. 4, S.885-910.

Ferris, Elizabeth

Abuse of power, Sexual exploitation of refugee women and girls, in: Signs, Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 32, no. 3, S.584-591.

Harsch, Ernest

Women, Africa’s ignored combatants, in: Africa Recovery, vol. 19, no. 3, S.17-18.

Higate, Paul

Gender and peacekeeping, Case studies: The Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone, ISS Monographs, no. 91, Pretoria.
Peacekeeping and gender, DRC and Sierra Leone.

Higate, Paul / Henry, Marsha

Engendering (in)security in peace support operations, in: Security Dialogue, vol. 35, no. 4, S.481-498.

Human Rights Watch

“We’ll kill you if you cry”, Sexual violence in the Sierra Leone conflict, Human Rights Watch, vol. 15, no. 1, New York.

Jusu-Sheriff, Yasmin

Sierra Leonean women and the peace process, ACCORD, London.

King, Jamesina

Gender and reparations in Sierra Leone, in: Rubio-Marin, Ruth (ed.): Engendering reparations, Recognising and compensating women victims of human rights violations, International Centre for Transitional Justice, Freetown / New York.

Larsen, Mandi / Casey, Sara et al.

Changes in HIV/AIDS/STI knowledge, attitudes and practices among commercial sex workers and military forces in Port Loko, Sierra Leone, in: Disasters, vol. 28, no. 3, S.239-254.

Mansaray, Binta

Women against weapons, A leading role for women in disarmament, in: Ayissi, Anatole / Poulton, Robin-Edward (eds.): Bound to cooperate, Conflict, peace and people in Sierra Leone, UNIDIR-Publications, Geneva, S.139-162.

Mazurana, Dylan / Carlson, Christopher

From combat to community, Women and girls in Sierra Leone, Women Wging peace, Washington D.C.

McKay, Susan

Girls as ‘weapons of terror’ in Northern Uganda and Sierra Leonean rebel fighting forces, in. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, vol. 28, S.385-397.
Reconstructing fragile lives, Girls’ social reintegration in Northern Uganda and Sierra Leone, in: Sweetman, Caroline (ed.): Gender, peace building and reconstruction, Oxfam Publications, Oxford, S.18-30.

McKay, Susan / Mazurana, Dyan

Where are the girls? Girls in fighting forces in Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone and Mozambique, Their lives during and after war, Publications of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Government, Montreal.

Molloy, Desmond

The gender perspective as a deterrants to spoilers, The Sierra Leone experience, in: Conflict Trends, vol. 2, S.16-19.

Nkuuhe, Jessica

Nurturers of peace, Sustainers of Africa, Selected women’s peace initiatives, ISIS Publication, Kampala.

Olson, Einar Odd / Scharffscher, Kristin

Rape in refugee camps as organisational failures, in: International Journal of Human Rights, vol. 8, no. 4, S.377-397.

Physicians for Human Rights / UNAMSIL

War related sexual violence in Sierra Leone, Study, Physicians for Human Rights, Boston/Cambridge.

Puechgirbal, Nadine

Involving women in peace process, Lessons from four African countries (Burundi, DRC, Liberia and Sierra Leone, in: Karamé, Kari (ed.): Gender and peacebuilding in Africa, Training for Peace Programme, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, Oslo, S.47-66.

Sesay, Kadi

Sierra Leone, Women in conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction, in: Rawwida / Etchart, Linda / Onubogu, Elsie / Johnson, Tina (eds.): Building sustainable peace, Gender mainstreaming in conflict transformation, Commonwealth Secretariat, London, 183-190.

Rehn, Elisabeth / Sirleaf, Johnson Ellen

Women, war peace, The independent experts’ assessement, Progress of the world’s women, vol. 1, UNIFEM, New York.

Rubio-Marín, Ruth ed.

What happened to the women? Gender and reparations for human rights violations, Social Science Research Council, New York.

Schroven, Anita

Women after war, Gender mainstreaming and the social construction of identity in contemporary Sierra Leone, Lit-Verlag, Münster.

Sesay, Fatmata Lovetta

Where there is no ‘safe haven’, Human rights abuses of Sierra Leonean women at home and in exile, in: Agenda, no. 59, S.22-31.

Sesay, Kadi

Sierra Leone, Women in conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction, in: Rawwida / Etchart, Linda / Onubogu, Elsie / Johnson, Tina (eds.): Building sustainable peace, Gender mainstreaming in conflict transformation, Commonwealth Secretariat, London, 183-190.

Shepler, Susan

Les filles-soldats, Trajectories d’après-guerre en Sierra Leone, in: Politique Africaine, no. 88, S.49-62.

Solomon, Christiana

The Mano River Union Sub-Region, The role of women in building peace, in: Baksh, Rawwida / Etchart, Linda / Onubogu, Elsie / Johnson, Tina (eds.): Building sustainable peace, Gender mainstreaming in conflict transformation, Commonwealth Secretariat, London, S.171-180.

Staggs Kelsall, Michelle / Stepakoff, Shanee

‘When we wanted to talk about rape’: Silencing sexual violence at the Special Court for Sierra Leone, in: International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1, S.355-374.

Tripodi, Paolo / Patel, Preeti

The global impact of HIV/AIDS on peace support operations, in: International Peacekeeping, vol. 9, no. 3, S.51-66.


The impact of conflict on women and girls in West and Central Africa, New York.

UNHCR / Save the Children

Sexual violence and exploitation, The experience of refugee children in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, unpublished report, UNHCR / Save the Children Publication, Geneva / London.


Best practices in peace buildung and non-violent conflict resolution, Some documented African Women’s Peace Initiatives, UNHCR / UNESCO Publication, Geneva/Paris.

Van Gogh, Janneke

Coming back from the bush, Gender, youth and re-integration in Northern Sierra Leone, African Studies Collection, 9, African Studies Centre, Leiden.

Vann, Beth

Gender-based violence, Emerging issues in programs serving displaced populations, Repoductive Health for Refugees Consortium, Publication of the JSI Research and Training Institute, Arlington.

Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children (WCRWC)

Precious resources, Adolescents in the reonstruction of Sierra Leone, Participatory research study with adolescents and youth in Sierra Leone, Publication of the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York.
Voting for peace, survival and self-reliance, Internally displaced women got to the polls in Sierra Leone, Publication of the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York.

Background Information

Abdullah, Ibrahim

‘I am a rebel’, Youth culture and violence in Sierra Leone, in: Honwana, Alicinda / De Boeck, Filip (eds.): Makers and breakers, Children and youth in postcolonial Africa, James Currey, Oxford, S.172-187.

Adebajo, Adekeye

Peace building in West Africa, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea Bisseau, Lynne Rienner, Boulder.

Alie, Joe

A new history of Sierra Leone, Macmillan Publishers, London, Houndsmills/Basingstoke.

Amnesty International

Childhood, A casuality of conflict, AI Publication, AFR 51/069/2000, London.
Sierra Leone: Rape and other forms of sexual violence against women and girls, AFR 51/035/2000, London.
Sierra Leone, No one to turn to, Women’s lack of access to justice in rural Sierra Leone, AI Publication, AFR 51/011/2005, London.
Sierra Leone, Women face human rights abuses in the informal legal sector, AI Publication AFR 51/002/2006, London.
Getting reparations right for survivors of sexual violence, AI Publication, London.

Aning, E.K.

Gender and civil war, The cases of Sierra Leone and Liberia, in: Civil Wars, 1, 4, pp.1-26.
Regulating illicit trade in natural resources, The role of regional actors in West Africa, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 95, S.99-107.
The challenges of civil wars to multilateral interventions, UN, ECOWAS, and complex political emergencies in West Africa, A critical analysis, in: African and Asian Studies, vol. 4, no. 1-2, S.1-20.

Aning, Emmanuel Kwesi / McIntyre, Angela

From youth to rebellion to abduction, The anatomy of recruitment in Sierra Leone, in: McIntyre, Angela (ed.): Invisible stakeholders, Children and war in Africa, ISS Publications, Pretoria, S.67-86.

Archibald, Steven / Richards, Paul

Convents to human rights? Popular debate about war and justice in rural central Sierra Leone, in: Africa, vol. 72, no. 3, S.339-367.
Seeds and rights, New approaches to postwar agricultural rehabilitation in Sierra Leone, in: Disasters, vol. 26, no. 4, S.356-367.

Baker, Bruce

Beyond the state police in urban Uganda and Sierra Leone, in: Afrika Spectrum, 41, 1, S.55-76.

Bangura, Yusuf

Strategic policy failure and governance in Sierra Leone, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 38, S.551-577.

Barnes, Karen Albrecht, Peter Olson, Maria

Addressing gender-based violence in Sierra Leone: Mapping challenges, responses and future entry points, International Alert, London

Bartel, Doris / Lindsey, Diane et al.

Tackling HIV/AIDS in post-war Sierra Leone, in: Forced Migration Review, vol. 19, S.24-25.

Carey, Martha

‘Survival is political’, History, violence and contemporary power struggle in Sierra Leone, in: Bay, Edna / Donham, Donald (eds.): States of violence, Politics, youth and memory in contemporary Africa, University of Virginia Press, Chalottesville, S.97-126.

Conteh-Morgan, Earl / Dixon-Fyle, Mac

Sierra Leone at the end of the twentieth century, History, politics and society, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt.

Coomaraswamy, Radhika

Integration of the human rights of women and the gender perspective, Violence against women, Report of the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its causes and consequences, Submitted in accordance with Commission on Human Rights Resolution 2001/49, Addendum, Mission to Sierra Leone, 21-29 August 2001, E/CN.4/2002/83/Add.2, New York/Geneva.

CWHRCS – Coalition for Women’s Human Rights in Conflict Situations

Submission by the Coalition for Women’s Human Rights in Conflict Situations to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Sierra Leone, Freetown/Montreal.

Damme, Wim van

How Liberian and Sierra Leonean refugees settled in the forest region of Guinea (1990-1996), in: Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 12, S.36-53.

Denov, Myriam / Maclure, Richard

Negotiating (in)security, Agency, resistance, and resourcefulness among girls formerly associated with the Sierra Leone’s Revolutionary United Front, in: Signs, Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 32, no. 4, S.885-910.

Dougherty, B.K.

Right-sizing international criminal justice: The hybrid experiment at the Special Court for Sierra Leone, in: International Affairs, 80, 2, S.311-328.

Fanthorpe, Richard

Neither citizen nor subject? 'Lumpen' agency and the legacy of native administration in Sierra Leone, in: African Affairs, 100/400, S.363-386.
On the limits of liberal peace, Chiefs and democratic decentralization in post-war Sierra Leone, in: African Affairs, 105/418, S.27-40.

Faulkner, Frank

Kindergarten killers, Morality, murder and the child soldier problem, in: Third World Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 4, S.491-504.

Fayemi, J.K.

Governing insecurity in post-conflict states, The case of Sierra Leone and Liberia, in: Bryden, A. / Hänggi, H. (eds.): Reform and reconstruction of the security sector, Lit-Verlag, Münster, S.2-27.

Ferme, Mariane

The underneath of things, Violence, history and everyday in Sierra Leone, University of California Press, Berkeley.
Deterritorialized citizenship and the resonances of the Sierra Leone state, in: Das, Veena / Poole, Deborah (eds.): Anthropology at the margins of the state, James Currey, Oxford, S.81-116.

Ferme, Mariane / Hoffmann, Danny

Hunter militaria and the international human rights discourse in Sierra Leone and beyond, in: Africa Today, vol. 50, no. 4, S.73-95.

Ferris, Elizabeth

Abuse of power, Sexual exploitation of refugee women and girls, in: Signs, Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 32, no. 3, S.584-591.

Fithen, Caspar / Richards, Paul

Making war, crafting peace, Militia solidarities and demobilisation in Sierra Leone, in: Richards, Paul (ed.): No war, no peace, An anthropology of contemporary armed conflicts, Ohio University Press, Athens, S.117-136.

Francis, David

Mercanary intervention in Sierra Leone, Providing national security or international exploitation, in: Third World Quarterly, vol. 20, no. 2, S.319-338.

Francis, David / Faal, Mohammed / Kabia, John / Ramsbotham, Alex

UN-ECOWAS-ECOMOG Co-development in Sierra Leone, in: dieselben: Danger of co-development, UN co-operative peacekeeping in Africa, Ashgate Publishers, Aldershot, S.136-150.

Fuest, Veronika

Lokales Wissen im Schulunterricht, in: Entwicklungsethnologie, 8, 1, S.70-87.

Gberi, Lansana

A dirty war in West Africa, The RUF and the destruction of Sierra Leone, Hurst Publishers, London.

Gbla, Osman

Security sector reform under international tutelage in Sierra Leone, in: International Peacekeeping, vol. 13, no. 1, S.78-93.

Grant, Andrew

Diamonds, Foreign aid, and the uncertain prospects for post-conflict resolution in Sierra Leone, WIDER Research Paper, no. 49, Helsinki.
Salone’s sorrow, The ominous legacy of diamonts in Sierra Leone, in: Mehler, Andreas / Basendu, M. (eds.): Resource politics in Sub-Saharan Africa, Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg, S.259-281.

Higate, Paul

Gender and peacekeeping, Case studies: The Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone, ISS Monographs, no. 91, Pretoria.
Peacekeeping and gender, DRC and Sierra Leone.

Higate, Paul / Henry, Marsha

Engendering (in)security in peace support operations, in: Security Dialogue, vol. 35, no. 4, S.481-498.

Hirsch, John

Sierra Leone, Diamonds and the struggle for democracy, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder.

Hoffman, Danny

The civilian target in Sierra Leone and Liberia, Political power, military strategy, and humanitarian intervention, in: African Affairs, vol. 103, S.211-226.

Human Rights Watch

Sierra Leone, Sowing terror, Artrocities against civilians in Sierra Leone, vol. 10, no. 3 (A), Human Rights Watch Publications, New York.
“We’ll kill you if you cry”, Sexual violence in the Sierra Leone conflict, Human Rights Watch Publications, vol. 15, no. 1 (A), New York.
Justice in motion, The trial phase of the special court in Sierra Leone, Human Rights Watch Publications, vol. 17, no. 14 (A), New York.

International Centre for Transtional Justice

The Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Reviewing its first year, New York.

International Crisis Group

Sierra Leone, The state of security and governance, Africa Report, no. 67, Publication of the International Crisis Group, Brussels/New York.

Jackson, Michael

In Sierra Leone, Duke University Press, Durham.

Jackson, Paul

Chiefs, money and politicians, Rebuilding local government in post-war Sierra Leone, in: Public Administration and Development, vol. 25, no. 2, S.49-58.

Jalloh, Alusine

Islam and trade in Sierra Leone, Africa World Press, Trenton.

Jusu-Sheriff, Yasmin

Sierra Leonean women and the peace process, ACCORD, London.

Jung, Anne

Neither war nor peace in Sierra Leone, in: Development and Cooperation, vol. 31, no. 4, S.152-154.
Ungerechter Frieden, Eine Bilanz der humanitären Intervention in Sierra Leone, in: IZ3W, Nr. 277, S.9-11.
Opfer ohne Reparation, in: Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, vol. 47, no. 1, S.30-31.
Friedloser Frieden, in Sierra Leone ist die Kriegsökonomie noch lange nicht Geschichte, in: IZ3W, Nr. 304, S.28-29.

Kandeh, Jimmy

Subaltern terror in Sierra Leone, in: Zack-Williams, Tunde / Frost, Diane / Thomson, Alex (eds.): Africa in crisis, New challenges and possibilities, Pluto Press, London, S.179-195.

Kandeh, Jimmy / Larémont, René / Cremona, Rachel

Ethnicity and national identity in Sierra Leone, in: Larémont, René Ricardo (ed.): Borders, nationalism, and the African state, Lynne Rienner, Boulder, S.179-230.

Keen, David

Greedy elites, dwindling resources, alienated youth, The anatomy of protracted violence in Sierra Leone, in: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, Nr. 2, S.67-94.
Conflict and collusion in Sierra Leone, James Currey, Oxford.

Kelsall, Tim

Truth, lies, ritual, Preliminary reflections on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Sierra Leone, in: Human Rights Quarterly, vol. 27, no. 2, S.361-391.

Knörr, Jacqueline

Kreolisierung versus Pidginisierung als Kategorien kultureller Differenzierung, Varianten neoafrikanischer Identität und Interethnik in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Lit-Verlag, Münster.

Kpundeh, Sahr John

Politics and corruption in Africa, A case study of Sierra Leone, University Press of America, Lanham.

Laggah, John Bobor / Alie, Joe / Wright, Roland

Sierra Leone, in: Adedeji, Adebayo (ed.): Comprehending and mastering African conflicts, The search for sustainable peace and good governance, Zed Books, London, S.174-188.

Lamin, Abdul Ramin

Building peace through accountability in Sierra Leone, The Truth and Reconciliation Commmission and the Special Court, in: Journal of Asian and African Studies, vol. 38, no. 2-3, S.295-320.

Lange, Ralf

Der Krieg entlässt seine Kinder, Reintegration militarisierter Jugendlicher durch berufliche Bildung, Das Beispiel Sierra Leone, in: Zeitschrift Entwicklungspolitik, 1-2, S.29-32.

Larsen, Mandi / Casey, Sara et al.

Changes in HIV/AIDS/STI knowledge, attitudes and practices among commercial sex workers and military forces in Port Loko, Sierra Leone, in: Disasters, vol. 28, no. 3, S.239-254.

Lidsba, Stephen / Klatte, Lars

‘Peace enforcement’ und ‘peace keeping’, Die Mission der Vereinten Nationen in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL), in: Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspolitik, 11, S.52-54.

Maconachie, Roy / Binns, Tony

Beyond greed and grievance in Sierra Leone, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, Jg. 51, Heft 3-4, S.163-175.

Malan, Mark / Rakete, Phenyo / McIntyre, Angela

Peacekeeping in Sierra Leone, UNAMSIL hits the home straight, ISS Monograph Series, no. 68, Publications of the Institute of Security Studies, Pretoria.

Malan, Mark / Meek, Sarah / Thusi, Thokozani et al. (eds.)

Sierra Leone, Building the road to recovery, ISS Monograph Series, no. 80, Publications of the Institute of Security Studies, Pretoria.

Mansaray, Binta

Women against weapons, A leading role for women in disarmament, in: Ayissi, Anatole / Poulton, Robin-Edward (eds.): Bound to cooperate, Conflict, peace and people in Sierra Leone, UNIDIR-Publications, Geneva, S.139-162.

Mazurana, Dyan / Carlson, Christopher

From combat to community, Women and girls in Sierra Leone, Women Waging Peace Publications, Cambridge M.A.

McKay, Susan

Girls as ‘weapons of terror’ in Northern Uganda and Sierra Leonean rebel fighting forces, in. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, vol. 28, S.385-397.
Reconstructing fragile lives, Girls’ social reintegration in Northern Uganda and Sierra Leone, in: Sweetman, Caroline (ed.): Gender, peace building and reconstruction, Oxfam Publications, Oxford, S.18-30.

McKay, Susan / Mazurana, Dyan

Where are the girls? Girls in fighting forces in Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone and Mozambique, Their lives during and after war, Publications of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Government, Montreal.

Molloy, Desmond

The gender perspective as a deterrants to spoilers, The Sierra Leone experience, in: Conflict Trends, vol. 2, S.16-19.

Muana, Patrick

The Kamajoi militaria, Violence, internal displacement and the politics of counter-insurgency, in: Africa Development, vol. 22, no. 3-4, S.77-101.

Nkuuhe, Jessica

Nurturers of peace, Sustainers of Africa, Selected women’s peace initiatives, ISIS Publication, Kampala.

Ofuatey-Kodjoe, W.

Sierra Leone, in: Boulden, Jane (ed.): Dealing with conflict in Africa, The United Nations and regional organizations, Palgrave, New York, S.127-152.

Olson, Einar Odd / Scharffscher, Kristin

Rape in refugee camps as organisational failures, in: International Journal of Human Rights, vol. 8, no. 4, S.377-397.

Peters, Krijn

Reintegrating young ex-combatants in Sierra Leone, Accommodating indigenous and wartime value systems, in: Abbink, Jon / van Kessel, Ineke (eds.): Vanguards or vandals, Youth politics and conflict in Africa, Brill Publishers, Leiden, S.267-295.
Reintegration support for young ex-combatants, A right or a privilege? in: International Migration, vol. 45, no. 5, S.35-59.

Peters, Krijn / Richards, Paul

“Why we fight”, Voices of youth combatants in Sierra Leone, in: Africa, vol. 68, no. 2, S.183-210.

Physicians for Human Rights / UNAMSIL

War related sexual violence in Sierra Leone, Study, Physicians for Human Rights, Boston/Cambridge.

Puechgirbal, Nadine

Involving women in peace process, Lessons from four African countries (Burundi, DRC, Liberia and Sierra Leone, in: Karamé, Kari (ed.): Gender and peacebuilding in Africa, Training for Peace Programme, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, Oslo, S.47-66.

Radeke, Helen

Wie Phönix aus der Asche, Der Stand der Friedenskonsolidierung in Sierra Leone nach den Wahlen 2006, BICC Focus, 6, BICC, Bonn.

Rehn, Elisabeth / Sirleaf, Johnson Ellen

Women, war peace, The independent experts’ assessement, Progress of the world’s women, vol. 1, UNIFEM, New York.

Remmert-Fontes, Inge / Alf, Ulrich

Review of the GTZ reintegration programme in war-affected communities in Sierra Leone, SLE Studie 194, Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung, Humboldt Universität, Berlin.

Reno, William

Corruption and state politics in Sierra Leone, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Humanitarian emergencies and warlord economies in Liberia and Sierra Leone, Working Paper no. 140, World Institute for Development Research, United Nations University, Helsinki.
Political networks in a failing state, The roots and future of violent conflict in Sierra Leone, in: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, Nr. 2, S.44-66.
The political economy of order adminst predation in Sierra Leone, in: Bay, Edna / Donham, Donald (eds.): States of violence, Politics, youth and memory in contemporary Africa, University of Virginia Press, Chalottesville, S.37-57.

Richards, Paul

Videos and violence on the periphery, Rambo and war in the forests of the Sierra Leone – Liberia border, in: IDS Bulletin, vol. 25, no. 2, S.88-93.
Rebellion in Liberia and Sierra Leone, A crisis of youth? in: Furley, Oliver (ed.): Conflict in Africa, I.B. Tauris Publishers, London, S.134-170.
The Sierra Leone-Liberia boundary wilderness, Rain forests, diamonds and war, in: Nugent, Paul / Asiwaju, A.I. (eds.): African boundaries, Barriers, conduits and opportunities, Pinter Press, London, S.205-221.
Fighting the rain forest, War, youth and resources in Sierra Leone, James Currey, Oxford/London.
Soccer and violence in war-torn Africa, Soccer and social rehabilitation in Sierra Leone, in: Armstrong, Gary / Giulianotti, Richard (eds.): Entering the field, New perspectives on world football, Berg Publishers, Oxford, S.141-157.
New political violence in Africa, Secular sectarianism in Sierra Leone, in: GeoJournal, no. 47, S.433-442.
The social life of war, Rambo, diamonds and young soldiers in Sierra Leone, in: Track Two, vol. 8, no. 1, S.16-21.
Are ‘forest’ wars in Africa resource conflicts? The case of Sierra Leone, in: Peluso, N.L. / Watts, M. (eds.): Violent environments, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, S.65-82.
Military conscription in Sierra Leone, Recruitment of young fighters in an African war, in: Comparative Social Research, 20, S.255-276.
The political economy of internal conflict in Sierra Leone, CRU Working Paper, no. 21, Clingendael Institute, The Hague.
Green book millenarians? The Sierra Leone war within the perspective of an anthropology of religion, in: Kastfelt, Niels (ed.): Religion and African civil wars, Hurst Publishers, London, S.119-146.
To fight or to farm? Agrarian dimensions of the Mano River conflicts (Liberia and Sierra Leone), in: African Affairs, 104/417, S.571-590.
War as smoke and mirrors, Sierra Leone 1991-1992, 1994-95, 1995-96, in: Anthropological Quarterly, 28, S.377-402.
The history and future of African rice, Food security and survival in a West African war zone, in: Africa Spectrum, no. 41, 1, S.77-93.
Forced labour and civil war, Agrarian underpinnings of the Sierra Leone conflict, in: Kaarsholm, Preben (ed.): Violence, political culture and development in Africa, James Currey, Oxford, S.181-200.
An accidental sect, How war made belief in Sierra Leone, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 110, S.651-663.

Riddell, Barry

Sierra Leone, Urban-elite bias, atrocity and debt, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 103, S.115-133.

Savage, Tyronne / Rahall, Joseph

Sierra Leone, History hidden by horror, in: Doxtader, Erik / Villa-Vicencio, Charles (eds.): Through fire and water, The roots of division and the potential for reconciliation in Africa, David Philip/New Africa Books, Cape Town, S.37-64.

Schabas, William

The United Nations International Criminal Tribunals, The former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Schäfer, Rita

Die Sande-Frauengeheimgesellschaft der Mende in Sierra Leone. Ihre Organisation und Masken im zeitlichen, intra- und interethnischen Vergleich, Mundus Reihe Ethnologie, Bd. 36, Holos Verlag, Bonn.
Landwirtschaftliche Frauengruppen - Tradition und Wandel am Beispiel der Auswirkungen eines GTZ-Projektes in Sierra Leone, in: Entwicklungsethnologie, Heft 2, S.39-49.
Frauenorganisationen und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit - Traditionelle und moderne afrikanische Frauenzusammenschlüsse im interethnischen Vergleich, Centaurus Verlag, Pfaffenweiler.
Geschlechteraspekte der Wissenssysteme und Wissenskommunikation in westafrikanischen Agrarkulturen, in: Honerla, Susan / Schröder, Peter (Hg.): Lokales Wissen und Entwicklung - Zur Relevanz kulturspezifischen Wissens für Entwicklungsprozesse, Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik, Saarbrücken, S.279-293.

Schroven, Anita

Women after war, Gender mainstreaming and the social construction of identity in contemporary Sierra Leone, Lit-Verlag, Münster.

Sesay, Fatmata Lovetta

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Belletristik und autobiographische Literatur

Beah, Ishmael

Rückkehr ins Leben, Ich war ein Kindersoldat, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a.M.

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